Whether you’re migrating from another platform or adding a bulk of new members, DAP’s Import Member feature allows you to efficiently onboard users by seamlessly importing member data from a CSV file.
- For initial testing, import a small number of users to ensure the process works correctly.
- For silent imports (no emails), remove the welcome email content from the product to which you are importing users, before importing.
- The import is at product level. So product needs to be created first in DAP before you can import users to it.
Step 1: Access the Members Import Page
To import new members into DAP, navigate to the Members >> Import page within the DAP dashboard.
Step 2: Select the Product
- Choose the product to which you want to import the members.
- Note: You must have created products in the Products >> Manage page before importing members.
Step 3: Prepare Your CSV File
- Format: Prepare a CSV file containing a comma-separated list of members.
- Example format:
Email, First Name, Last Name, City, State, Country
- Ensure that each member is on a new row.
- Only Email and First Name are required fields.
- Example format:
- Specify the Order of Fields:
- Match the order of fields in your CSV file with the following:
- Field 1: Email
- Field 2: First Name
- Field 3: Last Name
- Field 4: City
- Field 5: State
- Field 6: Country
- Match the order of fields in your CSV file with the following:
- Optional Access Dates: If importing access dates from another platform, include:
- Field 7: Access Start Date
- Field 8: Access End Date
- Specify the date format (e.g.,
Step 4: Import Members
- After configuring the fields and formats, click on Import Members.
- Review the order of fields and ensure everything is correct.
- DAP will queue the import process in the system job queue since importing many members may take time.
Step 5: Monitor the Import Process
- Visit the System Job Queue to check the status of the import job.
- Status will initially show as “New.”
- The cron job runs automatically at the top of each hour to process imports.
- Depending on the number of users, the process may take several hours.
Step 6: Check Import Completion
After the cron job runs, you can check for completed jobs by searching using the import job’s tracking I
Step 7: Troubleshooting
- If the import fails or is stuck:
- Delete any jobs marked with an error status in DAP System >> Job Queue.
- Check product configuration settings to ensure they are correctly set up.
- For initial testing, import a small number of users to ensure the process works correctly.
Step 8: Notifications
- If you want a welcome email to be sent to new members upon import, ensure the email subject and body are set up in the product’s notifications tab.
- For silent imports (no emails), remove the welcome email content before importing.